Web Accelerator Applications
Turbo–charge your websites without making any code transformations

We’ve incorporated a set of Web Accelerator Applications in the Control Panel to enable you to successfully enhance the online effectiveness of your sites. You will not need to customize anything at all within the back–end code or generate specific adjustments that demand tech expertise on your part. In the Control Panel, merely pick the application you intend to make use of – Varnish, Memcached and Node.js and set up an instance for it. It is all carried out with a mouse click. By quickening your sites, you’ll not only stop your clients from being required to hang on but will also help your site get better positions in search engine rankings.
You will find the Web Accelerator Applications in the Advanced Applications part of the Control Panel.
RAM–saving in place of data base calls
In case you have an active database–operated site or application, it may well have issues running swiftly for the site visitors because of the many different queries sent to the data base. To aid you fix the web–page running problem, we’ve included the Memcached system within the Control Panel.
Memcached is known as a potent distributed memory caching system, which caches information as well as objects in the server’s RAM to stop the database from getting asked whenever a customer loads a certain web page. In this way, your website pages will start a lot faster for site visitors and definately will improve the opportunity for them to come back.
RAM–memorizing in place of HTTP requests
You can find a variety of new ways to to accelerate a web site, but most of them require a designer to edit the backend code. Luckily, there are more intuitive solutions for increasing the rate of a website, like the Varnish website accelerator program integrated into our Control Panel.
Varnish represents a caching HTTP reverse proxy, which keeps HTTP calls in the RAM and sends them to the customer instead of expecting the server to send them. Tests prove that applying Varnish on a web site as well as a web app in most cases accelerates delivery times with a 300 – 1000x factor. Varnish may well also be set up how to deal with inbound requests – if they ought to be delivered by Varnish, by the web server, etcetera.
Produce scalable web apps with no trouble
Node.js supplies a contemporary programming program for forming scalable apps and websites in a short time span. It could be used for just about everything – from dealing with API queries, streaming data and also parsing emails to converting graphics, audio files, videos and office documents.
It is based on the Google V8 JavaScript engine and also makes use of an event–based, non–blocking I/O model that makes it streamlined and effective. Furthermore, Node.js provides a substantial assistance community that makes continuous updates to the program and is constantly ready to assist.