There are a number of ways to contact the web hosting company whose services you are using, but the one that you will always find regardless of which company you choose is a trouble ticket system. This is the easiest communication channel for a number of reasons. If no customer service staff member is free at the moment and they’re all engaged, a phone call may not be responded to, but a ticket will invariably be received. Also, you can copy & paste large bits of info without worrying about typos, and in case a specific problem requires more time to be resolved or a number of responses need to be exchanged, all the information will be in one and the same place, so either party can always follow the steps taken by the other one. The downside of using tickets to get in touch with your hosting provider is that they are often separate from the web hosting platform, which suggests that if you have to supply information or to adhere to directions, you’ll have to use no less than 2 separate admin consoles and this number may grow in case you would like to administer a handful of domain names. Also, lots of hosting companies reply to tickets after hours, or even once in every 24 hours, and for you as a client, this means wasted time whilst awaiting a reply.
Integrated Ticketing System in Cloud Web Hosting
Our Linux cloud web hosting packages feature an integrated trouble ticket system, which is an essential part of our custom Hepsia hosting Control Panel. In contrast with other similar tools, Hepsia will allow you to manage everything related to the hosting service itself in one and the same location – payments, website files, emails, trouble tickets, etc., avoiding the need to log in and out of different admin interfaces. In the event that you have any technical or pre-sales questions or any problems, you can submit a ticket with several clicks of the mouse without ever signing out of your Control Panel. In the meantime, you may select a category and our system will offer you a number of articles, which will give you more information and which may help you fix any specific issue even before you send a ticket. We guarantee a ticket response time of maximum 60 minutes, even if it’s a weekend or a legal holiday.
Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Hosting
We believe that it is far more efficient to manage everything from a single location, so we’ve incorporated a support ticket system into the in-house developed Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is available with every single semi-dedicated server package. This will enable you to manage the communication with our support staff along with your website files, which goes to say that you will not need to memorize additional log-on credentials for a separate admin dashboard. You will be able to submit a new ticket or to track the status of an old one with less than a few clicks whilst you’re browsing the files within your account. Moreover, you can look through older tickets using a clever search box or take a look at applicable FAQ articles with solutions to commonly met difficulties. The inbuilt ticketing system is monitored 24-7-365 with the maximum response time being only 1 hour, so there will always be somebody to help you.