In case you are a website owner, a problem may always crop up and it does not necessarily have to be connected to the web hosting service. For instance, something could go wrong when you bring an app up to date or some critical content can be edited or erased by chance. Whatever the essence of the problem is, you will have to contact the respective client care team and request them to restore a backup or to help you troubleshoot the problem that you are struggling with. How promptly they will do this will determine how much time your websites will be unavailable. For given sites like community portals or shopping portals, a protracted outage period too often equals losing users and money. That being said, it’s of crucial importance that you use the services of a company that provides not only a very good customer care service, but also a prompt one.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Web Hosting
With a cloud web hosting from our company, you can just forget about waiting around for hours on end, or even a whole day, to receive a reply to a technical support ticket or an e-mail. Irrespective of when you touch base with us, we will assist you within no more than 60 minutes with any pre-sales and technical questions you might have. In fact, our actual reaction time rarely exceeds twenty to thirty minutes. Since we’re at your disposal day and night, you’ll always obtain support in a well-timed manner and we realize precisely how critical that is in the electronic world. Shortly after you contact us, we’ll respond to your questions. If you bump into any technical complication, we’ll take care of it for you, or we’ll provide you with all the necessary information if there’s something that you have to do on your end.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Due to the fact that we know how important it is to get prompt help, we promise that you’ll never need to wait around for more than one hour to receive a reply to any ticket that you submit via your semi-dedicated server CP. The fact is, you will seldom have to wait for more than 20-30 minutes and this applies to any query irrespective of what its nature is – billing, general or technical. Moreover, our technical and customer support team is on duty night and day, which means that even if you submit a ticket during national holidays, you’ll invariably get an instant reply, which will contain the answer to an enquiry, the solution to a complication or the details needed to sort out an issue yourself – if there’s something that you need to do on your end. With us, you will never need to waste a day awaiting an answer like you would with other web hosting companies.